Free Healing GCChurch Watford Hertfordshire. 01923 677386

Free Healing Each Friday.

Free Healing Each Friday- 2pm-4pm

We are open each Friday from 2-4pm for prayer and healing.

816 St Albans Rd, Watford WD25 9FL. | Free parking at front of Church 

Seeking Help

If you or someone dear to you is in need of physical, emotional or mental healing, reach out to us. Whether battling depression, grappling with addictions, or feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges, we're here to help. Receive healing prayer and comfort every Friday from 2pm. Experience prayer for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

We provide this duty simply because Jesus tells us to "love our neighbor as yourself", knowing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more. All welcome.

Need to Contact Us

If you need to contact us; 01923 273232 or SMS 07984384881 or email

How Long 

We don’t charge for healing;  when making an appointment have patience as we need to fit many people into any allocated time. Prayer ministry usually takes no longer than 15-20 mins approx.

Please read the liability release form below. You will be asked to read and sign a copy before a  time of prayer.

Cast Your Burdens Upon Jesus

As Jesus invites in Matthew 11:28-30, come to Him with your burdens, and find rest for your weary souls. His yoke is gentle, His burden light.

Liability Release Form

Please Note; On arrival you will be asked to read and sign the liabilty reliease form as shown below.

Liability Release Form

I do hereby release the ministry team of Garston Community Church and its volunteers from any liability for any harm resulting from my voluntarily receiving of the ministry on this and any subsequent visits. I understand that the ministry of Garston Community Church is staffed by volunteers. They are not trained or licensed professionals of counselling, therapy or medical services.

I undertake that if I am currently taking medication, or operating under advice of a professional service, I will allow my medical doctor, therapist, councillor etc to confirm any results of the ministry received before altering any prescribed course of medication or action.

I further state that I have voluntarily sought assistance at my own initiative and that I am under no obligation to accept or reject any of the help that I might receive from the team members, during my ministry appointment. I understand that these team members are, to the best of their ability, doing what they can to help me achieve more freedom in my life.

I also agree to hold Garston Community Church free from any or all liability, loss or damage of any kind that may result from the assistance that I have received or from my involvement with the ministry at Garston Community Church.

I understand that the people who will see my information will be ministry team members only. However, in certain circumstances they are legally bound to pass on information to the relevant authorities if a person is a risk, or certain criminal acts are disclosed. For instance the Children’s Act 1989 requires any confidential disclosures in respect of current child abuse to be reported to the Social Services department.

Our team members offer prayer to any person without payment.

I have read the disclaimer and Liability Release Form and understand and agree with it and have executed it as my free and voluntary  act.

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